Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Perl, DBI, DBD - part 2

I'm writing this while enjoying a delicious Kit Kat ChunKy.

I successfully installed DBI and DBD::Oracle on both Linux and Windows.

Install notes:

  • Basic installation is quite straightforward:
    perl Makefile.pl
    make test
    make install
  • For make install you should probably be root or something like that.
  • For make test on DBD::Oracle the environment variable ORACLE_USERID must be set. On Linux "oracle_username/oracle_password" will work (ORACLE_SID must also be set to database name as it appears in TNSNAMES.ORA). On Windows ORACLE_SID had no effect and it worked only with "oracle_username/oracle_password@oracle_sid".
  • On Windows the make command is nmake. I have a complete installation of Microsoft Visual Studio here, so i already have this tool, as well as a C compiler. If they are not present, i think that they can be downloaded for free from MSDN. Moreover, when i tried to run nmake in a regular cmd window, i received an error about mspdb71.dll. Baffled, i went to the Start menu to look for some Visual Studio auto update feature or maybe help and found something nice called "Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt". It opens a window which looks and works just like the usual cmd, but with the environment somehow set up for manual compilation. I was lucky, i guess.

Scripting: The main DBI perldoc is mostly fine. It works like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

use DBI; # No need to use DBD::Oracle or something like that...

# Connecting to the database
# Take the SID from TNSNAMES.ORA
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:SID", "username", "password");

# A simple date fetch

# Prepare the SQL statement
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select sysdate from dual"); # NOTICE - no ; after dual!

# Execute it, but don't print it yet

# This "loop" prints all the rows (just one, in this case)
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
    print "@row\n";

# A real SELECT
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from my_favourite_table");


# This is a real loop, that prints all the rows.
# It's very rudimentary, i'm sure that DBI has better tools
# for pretty printing.
while (my @next_row_fields = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
    foreach my $next_field (@next_row_fields) {
        if (defined $next_field) {
            print "$next_field";
        else {
            print "NULL";
        print "\t";
    print "\n";



I first ran the SQL statement with a semicolon: prepare("select sysdate from dual;") and received a rather weird error:

"DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ORA-00911: invalid character (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 22 in 'select * from subscrib<*>;') [for Statement "select * from subscrib;"] at dp_.pl line 28."

At first i thought that DBI appends this <*> to my statement for some reason, but then i understood that it's a marker, to tell me where the error is. I tried running without the semicolon and it worked.

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