Saturday, September 25, 2004

2 Day DBA Again

Before turning off the computer and going to sleep last night, i stopped all Oracle-related services and set them to Manual. Now that i rebooted, there seem to be no Oracle-related processes in the Task Manager.

After some searching in the docs i decided that OracleCSService is for clusters only and the ones i really need to start are OracleServiceORCLSTRT which is the more or less the database itself, OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener which is the venerable listener and OracleDBConsoleOrclStrt, which is the EM. The latter is the most problematic: it takes about 90 seconds to start and starts up several java and perl processes. I don't know what are they and it is an annoyance, but at least it makes me content that my dearly beloved Perl is an integral part of Oracle.

Now i'm playing with the EM. I created myself a user, using the GUI, but i should learn how to do it in SQL. The problem is that i don't even know how to connect to the famous EMPLOYEES table using that user. My schema is wrong or something. Now the real learning begins: I'm going back to "2 Day DBA" and SQL books.

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